Organizational Climate and Quality of Care according to Professionals from a Health Center in Huánuco, Peru



healthcare institution environment, quality of care, occupational satisfaction, primary healthcare.


Introduction: Quality is a challenge and a priority in healthcare institutions. One of the main and most influential aspects for the achievement of this aspect is the organizational climate.
Objective: To identify the relationship between organizational climate and quality of care.
Methods: An observational, cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted in 2020 with health professionals of Aparicio Pomares de Huánuco Health Center, in Peru. The study population consisted of 53 workers. The organizational climate and quality of care questionnaires were applied. Data analysis consisted in Spearman's rho correlation test.
Results: Generally speaking, the average organizational climate was 3.43 and the average quality of care was 3.44, both within a 1-5 scale. A significant relationship was found between organizational climate and quality of care, accounting for P≤0.000. In addition, a significant relationship was found between quality of care and organizational climate dimensions such as credibility (P≤0.000), respect (P≤0.000), impartiality (P≤0.000), pride (P≤0.022), and camaraderie (P≤0.000).
Conclusions: A relationship was shown between the organizational climate and the quality of care in primary level professionals from a Health Center in Huánuco, Peru.


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Author Biography

Juvita Dina Soto Hikario, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan-Huánuco,

Enfermera docente asociada a dedicación exclusiva de la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan del área de Crecimiento y desarrollo del Niño, Enfermería en Atención del Niño y Adolescente, docente investigadora inscrita y calificada en RENACYT - CONCYTEC Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, con amplia experiencia en Salud Familiar y comunitaria y Promoción de la Salud, Docente de pregrado y posgrado de la Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan y Ponente nacional e internacional.



How to Cite

Soto Hikario JD, Ortega Soto AV, HUapalla Céspedes BD, Abarca Arias YM. Organizational Climate and Quality of Care according to Professionals from a Health Center in Huánuco, Peru. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];38(2). Available from:



Original Investigation