Strategies by the Health Team for Coping with the Death of Children and Adolescents with Cancer



psychological adaptation, attitude towards death, medical oncology, hospitalized child, children mortality, hospitalized adolescent, health personnel.


Introduction: Cancer deaths among children and adolescents are often difficult for health professionals to cope with. If they do not have adequate ways to deal with this grief, psychological, emotional and physical problems may arise, exposing them to burnout or the so called burned-out worker syndrome.
Objective: To reveal the strategies used by health professionals and technicians in Chilean public hospitals to cope with the death of children with cancer.
Methods: Qualitative and phenomenological research carried out in five public hospitals in Santiago, Chile, between May and September 2017. The population was made up of 37 health professionals and technicians who experienced the death of children and adolescents with cancer. In-depth interviews were conducted, guided by the following question: How have you coped with the death of patients in your unit? The narratives were transcribed and analyzed according to the stages described by Streubert. In addition, the data were triangulated until saturation was reached.
Results: The main strategies were to participate in farewell rites in the face of death, to carry out recreational activities with team members outside the workday, to make changes in the work routine, as well as to separate personal and professional aspects. When perceiving low support from the institution, they proposed facilitating attendance at the funeral, developing formal bereavement support interventions, carrying out self-care, and incorporating the matter of death into work inductions.
Conclusion: Professionals and technicians have strategies to cope with their bereavement. However, they need formal support from the institution, together with continuous training on the matter. It is essential for the institution to become involved in this issue.


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Author Biographies

Maria Eugenia López Encina, Complejo Asistencial Dr. Sotero del Río. Unidad de Oncología, Santiago,

Psicóloga. Magister en Psico-oncología. Psicóloga unidad de oncología. Complejo Asistencial Dr. Sotero del Río/Unidad de Oncología, Santiago, Chile,

Paula Andrea Vega Vega, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Escuela de Enfermería, Santiago,

Enfermera Matrona Especialista en oncolog+ia pediátrica Magister en enfermería Profesor Asociado Escuela de Enfermería Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Paola Carrasco Aldunate, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Escuela de Enfermería, Santiago,

Enfermera matrona. Magister en Educación. Profesor Asociado. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile/Escuela de Enfermería, Santiago, Chile.

Ximena González Briones, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Escuela de Enfermería, Santiago,

Enfermera matrona. Magister en Bioética. Profesor Asistente. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile/Escuela de Enfermería, Santiago, Chile.

Esmeralda Abarca González, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Escuela de Enfermería, Santiago,

Enfermera. Magister en Enfermería. Profesor instructor. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile/Escuela de Enfermería, Santiago, Chile.

Leticia Rojo Sánchez, Complejo Asistencial Dr. Sotero del Río. Unidad de Cuidados Paliativos, Santiago,

Psicóloga. Magister en Psico-oncología. Psicóloga Cuidados Paliativos. Complejo Asistencial Dr. Sotero del Río/Unidad de Cuidados Paliativos, Santiago, Chile.

Rina González Rodriguez, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Escuela de Enfermería, Santiago,

Enfermera. Magister en Sociología. Profesor Asociado. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile/Escuela de Enfermería, Santiago, Chile.



How to Cite

López Encina ME, Vega Vega PA, Carrasco Aldunate P, González Briones X, Abarca González E, Rojo Sánchez L, et al. Strategies by the Health Team for Coping with the Death of Children and Adolescents with Cancer. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];38(2). Available from:



Original Investigation