Organizational Climate and Safety Culture in Nursing in a Maternal-Perinatal Health Institute
organizational culture, nursing, patient safety.Abstract
Introduction: Organizational climate in health is a factor transcending professional performance. Likewise, a work environment and safety culture in adequate conditions would have repercussions in better sanitary practices.
Objective: To assess the relationship and characteristics of the variables organizational climate and safety culture.
Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional, correlational and non-experimental research carried out, between March and December 2019, in the neonatal intermediate care service of the National Maternal-Perinatal Institute, Peru. The population was 53 nurses. The following instruments were used: Organizational Climate, from the Peruvian Ministry of Health, as well as the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. The information was analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient.
Results: There is a correlational coefficient of 0.43 between variables. Motivation, decision making, innovation, remuneration, leadership, identity and organizational communication of the organizational climate are significantly related (P≤0.05) with safety culture. 70% of the professionals perceive an unhealthy organizational climate, reflected in four dimensions in progress and other four with low response rates. 56.35% reported a positive safety culture with two dimensions in strengths and three in opportunity for improvement.
Conclusions: Organizational climate and seven of its dimensions are related to safety culture in neonatal intermediate care. The assessment of characteristics presupposes that, despite the weaknesses of organizational climate, around remuneration, reward, leadership and innovation, these are compensated by an appropriate safety culture, with favorable organizational learning and teamwork.
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