Links between Psycho-Oncology and Nursing in the Ongoing Care of Individuals with Prostate Cancer
psych oncology, Nursing, ongoing care, prostate neoplasia.Abstract
Introduction: Nursing in oncology occupies a preponderant place within the multidisciplinary team, and the concept of care goes beyond technical activities, any therapeutic relationship necessarily implies an interpersonal relationship process, for which skills and communication skills must be developed.
Objective: To analyze the links between psycho-oncology and nursing in the continuous care of individuals with prostate cancer.
Methods: We develop a systematic bibliographic review of articles published from 2011 to 2020 in the SciELO, Google academic and Dialnet databases. The guiding question was developed through the acronym PICo. The search strategy was carried out using the Health Sciences (DeCS) descriptors "Psychooncology", "Nursing", "Continuous care", "Prostate neoplasia" and "Chronic diseases" with the Boolean operators AND and OR. PRISMA flow chart was used. It was agreed to interpret the theoretical references and organization of knowledge in the 16 selected bibliographies.
Conclusions: The review carried out made it possible to emphasize the importance of integrating techniques and skills of psycho-oncology, their benefits and application from the nursing perspectives, with the purpose of favoring the bio psychosocial well-being of the person with prostate cancer.
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