A Theoretical-Empirical Conceptual System Proposed through the Nursing Narrative



individual narrative, conceptual study test, nursing theory, healthcare quality indicators, nursing philosophy, nurse’s role.


Introduction: A theoretical-empirical conceptual system involves articulating a conceptual model of nursing, as well as theory and indicators of empirical origin to guide practice, research and teaching.

Objective: To analyze a significant experience of the person being cared for by means of a theoretical-empirical conceptual system through the vision of a nursing theory and model.

Methods: A descriptive-explanatory study was carried out during the year 2023, with a propositional methodology based on a nursing narrative. As a theoretical method, analysis-synthesis was used to disaggregate abstract concepts for analyzing the concrete nursing situation, highlighting knowledge, relevance and pertinence to differentiate care phenomenons and make practical autonomy visible. For the empirical representation of the proposal, a descriptive review was conducted during the year 2022, using documents in the PubMed, Cuiden, Medline, Lilacs, SciELO, Scopus and Cinahl databases, as well as the MeSH and DeCS descriptors. The data were analyzed by means of the descriptive method to assign meanings to the narrative and content exploration was performed by thematic analysis.

Results: A theoretical-empirical conceptual system was elaborated based on a nursing situation, as a repository of knowledge; this is known as a lived and shared experience, in which the nurse and the person at risk receiving such care mutually strengthen themselves as human beings.

Conclusions: The proposal allowed selecting the conceptual model –consistent with the nursing philosophy–, apart from the theory and indicators of empirical origin, which jointly provide a solid approach and comprehensive compatibility with each other.


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Author Biographies

María Elena Mejías Rojas, Universidad del Valle,

Doctor en Enfermería.

Docente Escuela de Enfermería Universidad del Valle.

Coordinadora Unidad de Gestión Proceso Investigación UGPI

Coordinadora Especialización de Enfermería Oncológica Universidad del Valle.

Miembro de la Sociedad de Honor de Enfermería Sigma Theta Tau Internacional. Capítulo Upsilon Nu. Colombia.


Area de investigacion:

  • Fundamentos de Enfermería
  • Enferrmería Oncológica.  

José Rolando Sánchez Rodríuez, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad San Sebastián, Sede Concepción,

Doctor en Enfermería. 

Magister en Salud Pública.

Magister en Enfermería. 

Académico investigador de Carrera de Enfermería.

Universidad Arturo Prat, Sede Victoria.


Area de Investigación

Educación en Enfermería. 

Psicometría de instrumentos de evaluación.

Salud Pública. 

Fundamentos de Enfermería 

Enfermería Comunitaria. 

Gestión en Salud.  



How to Cite

Mejías Rojas ME, Sánchez Rodríuez JR. A Theoretical-Empirical Conceptual System Proposed through the Nursing Narrative. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];40. Available from: https://revenfermeria.sld.cu/index.php/enf/article/view/6427



Original Investigation