Second Victims in Nursing and its Challenge in Latina America
total quality managment, adverse effects, nursing.Abstract
Introduction: The patient and their family are the first victims of an adverse event. Health professionals can develop physical and psychological signs and symptoms known as the second victim phenomenon. This phenomenon can be resolved with learning, but it can also lead to abandonment of the profession or suicide.
Objective: To reflect on the second victim phenomenon and the existing evidence about the phenomenon in nurses.
Methods: A scoping review was conducted under the question: What evidence exists on the phenomenon of second victims in nurses in the databases PubMed, Google Scholar and EBSCO, between November and December 2022, for articles about the phenomenon of second victims in nursing? The following keywords were used: gestión de la calidad [quality management], eventos adversos [adverse events] and enfermería [nursing]. PRISMA guidelines were followed to select relevant articles. Eleven studies were included in the review. The overall prevalence of second victims ranged from 10.40 % to 43.30 %, nurses being the most affected. Sleep disturbances and fatigue are the most common physical signs and symptoms, while shame and guilt are the predominant psychological symptoms. There are personal and organizational strategies to cope with the second victim phenomenon. In Latin America, there is limited research and lack of support programs.
Conclusions: The second victim phenomenon affects nurses more than other professionals. In Latin America, the second victim phenomenon should be studied and a focus on support plans adapted to our culture should be created.
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