Inverted classroom as a didactic strategy for the development of investigative skills in Nursing
Nursing, Nursing Research, Methods, Teaching, Nursing Education Research.Abstract
Introduction: The use of the flipped classroom as a didactic strategy favors the development of significant learning based on the needs of students in postgraduate training.
Objective: To analyze the results of the use of the flipped classroom as a teaching method in the development of investigative skills in the Master of Science in Nursing.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional investigation was developed, from May 2018 to October 2019 at the Lidia Doce Nursing School, in Havana, Cuba. We worked with a population of 30 teachers. The documentary analysis of publications related to the development of investigative skills was carried out, using the keywords: "investigative skills", "flipped classroom", "nursing education". Three workshops supported by an observation guide were carried out to identify the advances in the development of investigative skills through a scale, in addition, a reflection survey was applied.
Results: It was evidenced by the teachers investigative skills in relation to information management, the identification of the practical and research problem, as well as the presentation of the results, the adequate use of the research methods was still insufficient.
Conclusions: The use of the flipped classroom allows the development of motivation for learning from the correct identification of the needs for the development of investigative skills that transform the context of action of nursing professionals from scientific research.
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