Nursing Care Quality as Perceived by Postoperative Patients from a National Hospital in Lima, Peru
perioperative nursing, healthcare quality, quality management, nursing care, patients, patient satisfaction, general surgery.Abstract
Introduction: Healthcare quality depends on human talent, infrastructure, service management, as well patient expectations regarding expected and perceived care, which should be a fundamental factor in the strategic plans of health organizations.
Objective: To evaluate the quality of nursing care as perceived by postoperative patients in a national hospital in Lima, Peru.
Methods: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and nonexperimental study carried out in 2019 at Arzobispo Loayza National Hospital in Lima. The population consisted of 230 patients hospitalized in the surgery service and the sample was 119. The validated Likert-type SERVQHOS-E scale was applied, which covers the perception of tangible and intangible aspects of nursing care; it was assessed qualitatively and quantitatively: adequate (60-80), moderately adequate (38-59), inadequate (16-37). For data analysis, descriptive statistics were applied as absolute and percentage frequencies using the statistical software IBM-SPSS (version 22).
Results: 68.10% of the patients were female. 72.17% perceived the quality of nursing care as adequate, while 27.83% perceived it as moderately adequate. According to the dimensions, 67.46% and 75.37% of the patients considered the tangible and intangible aspects as adequate.
Conclusion: The majority of the patients perceived the quality of nursing care as adequate. Empathy was identified as a strength in the intangible component, while inadequate infrastructure was considered a weakness in the tangible component.
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