Academic Commitment of Undergraduate Nursing Students in Distance Education Conditions



students, nursing, distance education, coronavirus infections.


Introduction: The virtual health university has played a relevant role in these pandemic times. Due to the epidemiological situation caused by COVID-19, several sectors and ministries were forced to adopt strategies to fulfill their mission in the new scenario. Higher medical education is provided by means of distance education for its students with the use of information technologies, which demands from them additional commitment and motivation.

Objective: To identify the level of academic commitment of undergraduate nursing students under distance education conditions.

Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study of concurrent execution, with a mixed methodological design, carried out in the period from January to March 2021. From the population of 75 second-year students of the regular daytime Nursing course in Camagüey, a convenience sample of 48 was selected. The following empirical methods were applied: observation, academic engagement scale and the positive-negative-interesting technique. The following dimensions were assumed: enthusiasm, dedication and absorption. For the analysis of quantitative data, distribution of absolute frequencies and percentages was used.

Results: Of the total sample, 54.17 % had a high level of commitment. The dimension enthusiasms reached 52.08 %, dedication 50.00 % and absorption 43.75 %. The use of available time to fulfill other activities such as active research was assessed.

Conclusions: The sample showed a high level of academic commitment. This is favorable, in distance education conditions, for the quality of overall formation and the fulfillment of varied activities.



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Author Biography

María Cristina Pérez Guerrero, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. Camagüey.

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Máster en Enfermedades Infeccisas y Máster en Atención al niño con discapacidad. Profesor Titular e Investigador Auxiliar.Jefa del Departamento Docente Metológico. Facultad Tecnológica. Camagûey. Cuba



How to Cite

García Rodríguez J, Pérez Guerrero MC, Mirulaides Lahera Basulto M. Academic Commitment of Undergraduate Nursing Students in Distance Education Conditions. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 17];38(1). Available from:



Original Investigation