Nursing Research Trends about People with Cancer
carcinoma, review, neoplasia, oncology disease.Abstract
Introduction: Cancer is a prevalent disease in Latin America. Nursing professionals must recognize the priorities and developments related to research about the care of the person with cancer.
Objective: To describe the research trends in nursing about people with cancer, based on studies published in the top ten nursing journals from Latin America.
Methods: A scoping review of the literature was carried out. Information was sought in the top ten journals according to the Scimago Journal & Country rank for 2020, organized in the quartiles Q1 to Q4, during the period 2016-2020. The terms cancer patients, oncology patient, patients with cancer, cancer were used. Sixty-seven research papers were selected after the evidence critique process was done. The following topics emerged from the review: meaning of the experience of the disease and treatment process, quality of life of the person with cancer in Latin America, impact of cancer on the physical and psychosocial dimension, coping with the disease, and nursing care perception.
Conclusions: The analyzed studies showed two main trends in nursing research in Latin America related to type of cancer and the research phenomenon.
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