Level of Adherence to the Care Protocol for the Prevention of Pressure Injuries in Services of Care for Seriously Ill Patients


  • Carlos Agustín León Román Hospital Clínino Quirúrgico "Hermanos Ameijeiras". La Habana. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9230-4938
  • Wilder Menéndez Cruz
  • Osiris Berriel Ortiz
  • Rosa Martina Díaz Calderón
  • Caridad Cairo Soler


protocols, nursing, pressure ulcer.


Introduction: The implementation of care protocols as a strategic projection in the provision of health services allows to contribute to improving the quality of care.

Objective: To identify the level of adherence to the care protocol for the prevention of pressure injuries in care services for severely ill patients.

Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study carried out in five care services for severely ill patients at Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital, from October to December 2019. Based on to criteria, the sample consisted of 31 nursing staff members, of which sixteen were diploma nurses (51.61%) and fifteen were associate nurses (48.39%). Twenty-one medical records were assessed. The information was collected using a knowledge test and a checklist, validated through expert criteria. A pilot test was carried out with the test, which made it possible to evaluate its validity and reliability.

Results: 92.09% of those evaluated had moderately sufficient (64.51%) and sufficient (27.58%) knowledge. In four assessed services (80%), the material resources were available. Risk factors were assessed in 21 medical records (100%). The identification of risk, as well as the planning and execution of nursing interventions, were only reflected in ten medical records (47.61%). In the total sum, 4.33 points were obtained.

Conclusions: Adherence to the care protocol for the prevention of pressure injuries in serious care services was determined as medium level.



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Author Biography

Carlos Agustín León Román, Hospital Clínino Quirúrgico "Hermanos Ameijeiras". La Habana.

Asesor de posgrado. Departamento Docente.            Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras



How to Cite

León Román CA, Menéndez Cruz W, Berriel Ortiz O, Díaz Calderón RM, Cairo Soler C. Level of Adherence to the Care Protocol for the Prevention of Pressure Injuries in Services of Care for Seriously Ill Patients. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2021 May 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];37(1). Available from: https://revenfermeria.sld.cu/index.php/enf/article/view/4086



Original Investigation