Nursing Care for Women in a Situation of Violence in Primary Health Care



violence against women, nursing care, primary healthcare, review.


Introduction: Violence against women is a public health concern, manifested through any act resulting in physical, sexual or psychological harm.

Objective: To analyze the national and international scientific evidence on nursing care for women in a situation of violence at the level of primary healthcare.

Methods: An integrative literature review was carried out from May to October 2018, taking into account six steps: delimitation of topic and guiding question, literature search, definition of information, assessment of studies, interpretation of results, and synthesis of knowledge, by searching articles in the Lilacs, BDENF and Medline databases, as well as in the digital library of SciELO. Forty-eight articles were found; after filtering the inclusion criteria (full texts written in Portuguese, English or Spanish), seven studies remained. The data were processed in the IRAMUTEC software and analyzed by descending hierarchical classification, based on the dendogram. They were presented in five classes: support to women victims of family violence, professionals’ difficulties to identify and intervene in cases of violence against women, devices used to provide comprehensive care to women in a situation of violence, fear as a factor in perpetuating violence against women, and multiprofessional assistance to victims of family violence.

Conclusion: Nurses have a fundamental role for the identification and intervention in cases of violence against women through comprehensive, humanized and quality care.



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How to Cite

Vale HS do, Rocha MR da, Conceição HN da. Nursing Care for Women in a Situation of Violence in Primary Health Care. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];38(1). Available from: