Women’s Perception about Humanized Nursing Care during Childbirth Care
nursing, woman, delivery, humanization, interpersonal relations, surveys and questionnaires.Abstract
Introduction: The high degree of usefulness of an instrument designed to measure humanized nursing cares, together with the lack of studies in the Cuban context about its application, demand from this perspective, its implementation in the delivery process, since it would provide elements that allow to assess humanization of obstetric nursing care in Cuba.
Objective: To describe women’s perception about humanized nursing care during childbirth care.
Methods: Nonexperimental, descriptive and cross-sectional study, carried our between January and December 2019. One hundred and twenty-one women participated who had been hospitalized in the puerperium service of Ciro Redondo Hospital in Artemisa, Cuba. The third version of the instrument "Perception of Humanized Care Behaviors in Nursing" was applied and absolute, relative and cumulative frequency distribution were used, together with arithmetic mean and the Likert-type assessment scale.
Results: In the 121 women surveyed, it was obtained that 96.69% perceived only “sometimes” a relationship of humanized care from the nursing personnel of the institution where they were attended during labor and delivery, followed by 88.42%, which perceived such relationship “almost always.” Of the three instrument dimension, qualities of nursing work obtained the highest percentage in the category “always,” accounting for 75.20%.
Conclusions: Most of the sample perceived that only “a few times” did the nursing professional provide humanized cares during delivery care.
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