Profile for competences, for nursing specialists in emergencies and disasters in health establishments of Lima-Peru
Professional competence, Emergencies in disasters, Specialties, Nursing, Disaster PlanningAbstract
Introduction: Peru is in fourth place in Latin America in the perception of vulnerability to natural disasters, such as climatic phenomena that, except for earthquakes are predictable, a situation that merits having specialist nurses in emergencies and disasters.
Objective: To propose a professional profile for generic and specific competencies for specialist nurses in emergencies and disasters.
Methods: Quantitative-qualitative approach, sequential exploratory design; carried out in the years 2018-2019 in the health establishments of metropolitan Lima, in three phases: First: Review of indexed databases, with descriptors of competencies, specialty emergencies and disasters, nurses. 135 capacities were listed, analyzed by 10 expert professionals. Second: Application of the Delphi method to 27 Nurses Specialists in Emergencies and Disasters, selecting 66 capacities, 34 capacities, ranked by personnel and professionals. Third: Interviews with 10 health professionals experts in emergencies and disasters, to validate the proposed profiles of the Nurse specialist in emergencies and disasters.
Results: The profile of a Nurse specialist in Emergencies and Disasters is made up of 12 personal skills and 22 professionals.
Conclusions: The Professional Profile proposal: Prepare a nursing response plan for the emergency and / or disaster situation. Diagnostic capacity and technical ability to provide specialized nursing care to the person in an emergency and / or urgent situation. Manages human and material resources for patient care. Prepare nursing care protocols and participate in research projects that contribute to improving nursing practice, publishing them.
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