Meeting Points between Swanson’s and Roy´s Theories in Continuous Care for the Elderly with Prostate Cancer



nursing theories, continuous cares, elderlies, rotate neoplasm.


Introduction: Nursing care management in the elderly is a current challenge for the profession. This implies planning and coordinating safe and quality care, processes requiring to integrate theoretical approach and their praxis into systemic and dynamic care to the person in a total reality.

Objective: To analyze the meeting points between the theories of Swanson and Roy in the continuous care of the elderly with prostate cancer.

Methods: Systematic bibliographic review, carried out during 2019, of articles published from 2009 to 2019 in the SciELO and Google Scholar databases. The guiding question was developed through the acronym PICO. The search strategy was carried out by accepting the following descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS): teorías de enfermería [nursing theories], modelo de adaptación de Callista Roy [Callista Roy’s adaptation model], teoría de Kristen Swanson [Kristen Swanson’s theory], cuidados continuos [continuous cares], adulto mayor [elderly], neoplasia de la próstata [prostate neoplasm] and enfermedades crónicas [chronic diseases] with the Boolean operator AND. The flow diagram (PRISMA) was used. Content analysis allowed to interpret the theoretical references and to organize knowledge of the thirteen selected bibliographies.

Conclusions: There is limited scientific production found about the scope of Swanson’s and Roy´s theories regarding the care of patients with cancer. Both theories include implicitly, in the foundation of their components, a biopsychosocial approach to the way of caring, in clinical praxis, as well as the culture of continuous care for the elderly with prostate cancer, from the nursing perspective.


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Author Biography

Adalberto LLuch Bonet, Universidad de Ciências Médicas Carlos J Finlay. Camagüey.

Licenciado en enfermería.Master en salud publica . Miembro de la sociedad cubana de enfermeria , Miembro de la sociedad cubana de salud publica. Profesor auxiliar.Investigador agregado .Capitulo \ Camagüey . Cuba



How to Cite

LLuch Bonet A. Meeting Points between Swanson’s and Roy´s Theories in Continuous Care for the Elderly with Prostate Cancer. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];37(2). Available from: