A Nursing Process for a Pregnant Woman with Urinary Tract Infection and Threatened Miscarriage



genital system infections, female urogenital diseases and pregnancy complications, pregnancy infectious diseases, first pregnancy trimester, nursing process.


Introduction: Urinary tract infection is recurrent in pregnancy and causes complications.

Objective: To present a nursing care plan provided to a woman with a diagnosis of urinary tract infection and threatened miscarriage.

Methods: Clinical case of a patient admitted to the gynecology and obstetrics unit of General Hospital of Teziutlán (Puebla, Mexico) during 2019. Following the logic of the nursing process, the assessment was based on Marjory Gordon's functional health patterns. The standard nursing terminologies were used: diagnostics (NANDA-I), outcomes (NOC) and interventions (NIC).

Results: Four nursing diagnoses were identified: deterioration of urinary elimination, ineffective self-health management, willingness to improve nutrition, and risk for alterations in maternal-fetal dyad, the latter being the main diagnosis. In addition, a NOC outcome (knowledge: infection control), four indicators and the never-to-always scale upon demonstration, as well as four NIC interventions, with nineteen activities, were obtained. Evaluation ranged from twelve (initial score) to nineteen (final score), with twenty as target score.

Conclusion: The integration of the NANDA, NIC and NOC taxonomies together with the Marjory Gordon's functional health patterns allowed the design of the pregnant woman's care plan, with an articulation between nursing diagnoses, outcomes and interventions, which favored the nurse–patient–sociocultural context relationship, up to considering care based on a systemic conception that allows monitoring and control of the pregnant woman.






How to Cite

Suarez Maximo JD. A Nursing Process for a Pregnant Woman with Urinary Tract Infection and Threatened Miscarriage. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2021 May 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];37(1). Available from: https://revenfermeria.sld.cu/index.php/enf/article/view/3800



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