Attributes for Characterizing Nursing Students’ Satisfaction in Clinical Settings



Nursing education, Nursing professor practice, Nursing students, tutors.


Introduction: Assessment of Nursing students’ satisfaction in clinical learning environments is mediated by contextual attributes of the learning climate and tutorial action.

Objective: To explore, from a qualitative perspective, attributes identified by Nursing students for characterizing satisfaction in clinical settings.

Methods: Study with an exploratory descriptive design. The units of analysis were Nursing students from two academic units of Chilean universities, during school period: March-November 2019. Homogeneous sampling was chosen. Regular third- and fourth-year Nursing students who had had at least one month of uninterrupted clinical practice were included in the study, while first- and second-year students and Nursing interns were excluded. Fieldwork began with wandering and the creation of social and temporal maps, while focus group was used as a data collection technique, ensuring sample saturation and data sufficiency. Requirements and ethical principles for research in humans were met.

Results: The students distinguish that the attributes for measuring their satisfaction in practical teaching settings are influenced or affected by conditions of the clinical care environment, as well as by tutor professionalism, which, as a whole, qualify their satisfaction and, therefore, the learning climate.

Conclusions: From the central category of the study construct, it was possible to verify, within the discourses, the subcategories and attributes for measuring the students’ satisfaction in the clinical practice settings.



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Author Biographies

José Rolando Sánchez Rodríguez, Universidad Arturo Prat.

Prof. Asistente. UNAP Sede. Vicctoria. 

Doctor en Enfermería

Magister en Salud Pública.

Magister en Enfermería.  .

Area de investigacion: Educacion en Enfermería. 


Luis Angel Aliaga Perez, Universidad Arturo Prat, Sede Victoria

Licenciado en Enfermeria

Ximena Ruby Alvarado San Román, Universidad Andrés Bello Santiago de Chile

Dra. en Enfermería

Profesor Facultad de Enfermería

Universidad Andrés Bello

Campus Republica, Santiago de Chile


Naldy Pamela Febré Vergara, Universidad Andrés Bello Santiago de Chile

Dra. en Enfermería

Profesor Titular Facultad de Enfermería

Universidad Andrés Bello

Campus Republica, Santiago de Chile



How to Cite

Sánchez Rodríguez JR, Aliaga Perez LA, Alvarado San Román XR, Febré Vergara NP. Attributes for Characterizing Nursing Students’ Satisfaction in Clinical Settings. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];37(2). Available from:



Original Investigation