Experiences Regarding the Training of Nursing Human Resources in Cuba and Universal Health Challenges
human resources, nursing, health.Abstract
Introduction: Nursing, as a profession, has undergone transcendental changes in Cuba regarding its functions as provider of healthcare services; as well as in the training process, which has undergone accelerated transformations, by stages and levels, and thus led to adjustments in the training model. The study programs are improved in correspondence with the social order and technical-scientific development, which allows a timely response to universal health.
Objective: To present experiences regarding the training of nursing human resources in the Cuban context, as well as achievements and main challenges concerning universal health.
Methods: Theoretical-reflective and qualitative essay carried out from January to May 2020, supported by national and international literature. To identify the studies, controlled descriptors were used (Recursos humanos [human resources], Enfermería [nursing], Salud [health]), searching in Latin-American and international databases. The data was processed through content analysis.
Conclusion: Cuba has managed to develop the training of human resources in nursing and achieve adequate health coverage, an achievement that guarantees care without exclusion of the people who require such services.
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