Nursing Master’s Students’ Perception about the Quality of the Teaching-Learning Process in the Dimensions Planning, Execution and Evaluation



nursing postgraduate education, teaching, social perception.


Introduction: The search for educational quality is a permanent challenge in university institutions. It is associated with various factors, among which the teaching-learning process is highlighted. This is a policy established by Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos oriented towards good living and responding to the needs of the country.

Objective: To describe a nursing master's students’ perception about quality of the teaching-learning process according to the dimensions planning, execution and evaluation.

Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional research carried out in the Nursing Master’s course taught at the School of Medicine of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in the period 2014-2016. We worked with the entire population of 65 nursing master’s students. The interview was used as a technique. As an instrument, a modified Likert-type scale, previously validated by eight expert judges, was used, together with the binomial test (0.035), reliable by means of a pilot test, as well as Pearson's correlation coefficient (0.96).

Results: Regarding quality of the teaching-learning process, 73% had a moderately favorable perception. Regarding the dimensions, a similar perception was obtained: 62% in planning, 75% in execution, and 68% in evaluation.

Conclusions: Nursing master's students had a prevailing moderately favorable perception of the quality of the teaching-learning process, which implies establishing feedback strategies to improve these aspects.




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Author Biography

Luisa Hortensia Rivas Díaz, "Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos"

Docente Principal jefe de la cátedra de Investigacion en enfermería pregrado y posgrado.



How to Cite

Melgarejo Solis G, Rivas Díaz LH. Nursing Master’s Students’ Perception about the Quality of the Teaching-Learning Process in the Dimensions Planning, Execution and Evaluation. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2021 May 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];37(1). Available from:



Original Investigation