Expectations of pregnant teenagers about nursing care in labor rooms


  • Monica Paola Basto Montero
  • Jenny Andrea Angarita Gómez
  • Islendy Noreña Acevedo


Nursing Care, adolescent, pregnancy, labor


Introduction: the settings of pregnant teenager·s labor moment have been largely unexplored. In the literature there is an emphasis on prenatal and puerperal care, so a deeper nursing care during this phase is clearly needed due to the particular conditions of the adolescence. Aims : identify main aspects that guide nursing care of pregnant teenager´s during labor and delivery trough evidence.
Methods : this study responds to an integrative review that allows us to join and synthesize available evidence of the research subject.
Results : there are four categories that guide nursing care in order to provide a human and differentiated attention to pregnant teenager´s during labor: Feelings and emotions, non pharmacological strategies, nursing role, pregnant teenager needs and rights.
Conclusions: the four categories of nursing care for pregnant teenagers in labor act as a guide for the elaboration of care protocols in labor rooms because they provide the four Meta-paradigmatic concepts of nursing: Health, person, nursing care, and environment.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Monica Paola Basto Montero

Estudiante Enfermería IX Semestre, integrante semillero de investigación cuidado maternoperinatal. Dirección: Calle 64F N°98-60, Bogotá –Colombia. Tel: 8065719. Correo electrónico: mpbastom@gmail.com

Jenny Andrea Angarita Gómez

Estudiante Enfermería IX Semestre, integrante semillero de investigación cuidado maternoperinatal. Dirección: Calle 75 N°20B- 19, Bogotá- Colombia. Tel: 3118869292. Correo electrónico: jaangaritag@unal.edu.co

Islendy Noreña Acevedo

Estudiante Enfermería IX Semestre, integrante semillero de investigación cuidado maternoperinatal. Dirección: Calle 73A N°83-16, Bogotá- Colombia. Teléfono: 2527359. Correo electrónico: inorenaa@unal.edu.co



Como Citar

Basto Montero MP, Angarita Gómez JA, Noreña Acevedo I. Expectations of pregnant teenagers about nursing care in labor rooms. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 14º de março de 2015 [citado 12º de fevereiro de 2025];30(2). Disponível em: https://revenfermeria.sld.cu/index.php/enf/article/view/66



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