A Theoretical Triangulation of the Caring School for the Development of Cardioprotected Communities
nursing professional’s role, nursing theory, critri9tcal care nursing.Abstract
Introduction: In the Mayabeque province, it is necessary to lead a cultural transformation that allows certifying the two provincial hospitals as cardioprotected institutions, based upon the development of nursing competences in cardiorespiratory arrest.
Objective: To triangulate, from the theoretical paradigm, the Caring School for the development of cardioprotected communities.
Methods: A qualitative research with a grounded theory design was conducted during the period January-June 2023. A theoretical sample of the three theories that make up the Caring School was used and theoretical triangulation was employed upon the base of the nursing metaparadigms (person, environment, health and care). Data analysis was performed using open and axial coding.
Results: By analyzing and interpreting the theories that make up the Caring School, the points intersecting the nursing metaparadigms were established. The theory of nursing competences for the development of cardioprotected communities was generated and an operational definition of the term was given.
Conclusions: The results obtained from the theoretical triangulation carried out at the starting point of the systematization made it possible to reveal the points intersecting the nursing metaparadigms of the Caring School for the development of competences favoring cardioprotected communities.
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