Family characteristics associated with the prevalence of factors of mood changes in hospitalized elderly people



mood disorders, family characteristics, health of the elderly, geriatric nursing


Introduction: Family nucleus in which an elderly person is inserted can be a protective factor against mood changes, but it can also be a facilitator of such conditions, intensified by the hospitalization process.

Objective: To evaluate the family characteristics associated to the prevalence of factors indicative of mood alteration in hospitalized elderly.

Methods: A cross-sectional, quantitative study carried out with 673 elderly people hospitalized, in the period 2020-2021. Answering the IVCF-20 (Clinical Functional Vulnerability Index) question was used as a dependent variable: In the last month, have you felt discouraged, sad or hopeless? As an independent variable, a family questionnaire was used. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test.

Results: Males predominated (52.3 %), aged between 60 and 69 years (49.3 %) and elementary school (31.8 %). The majority of the elderly did not have a partner (50.7 %), lived with other people (68.2 %), had a child as a reference family member for health care (23.5 %), being usually a female and needed a companion during hospitalization (66.9 %). 52.3 % of the elderly had mood changes, being significantly more frequent in those who had their children as a reference family (p = 0.011) and who needed companions (p = 0.021).

Conclusion: The prevalence of mood changes in hospitalized elderly was high. The family characteristics associated with mood changes were: family of reference, where elderly people accompanied by their children had a higher prevalence of mood changes than those accompanied by their spouses/partners; and need for a companion.


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Author Biography

Danielle Bordin, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Departamento de Enfermagem

Departamento de Enfermagem. Ãrea Saúde do Idoso e Saúde Coletiva



How to Cite

Pinto AL, Trupel LLL, Floriano LSM, Bordin R, da Silva CL, Bordin D. Family characteristics associated with the prevalence of factors of mood changes in hospitalized elderly people. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];40:e_6247. Available from:



Original Investigation