Living Experiences of Nurses with COVID-19 and Isolated in the Family Environment



nurses, COVID-19, patient isolation, qualitative research.


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic affected the entire population, including the health personnel, such as nurses. Nurses, by living through the disease, acquired valuable experiences that allowed them to redefine their existence as beings in the world.

Objective: To understand the experiences of nurses with COVID-19 and isolated in the family environment.

Methods: A qualitative-phenomenological study was conducted from the existentialist perspective of Heidegger. Thirteen nurses working in hospitals in Lima, Peru, participated during the months from October 2020 to June 2021. The sample was obtained by "theoretical saturation." In-depth interviews were conducted virtually, using guiding questions; and the testimonies were recorded and transcribed with prior authorization. For data processing, they were subjected to Braun and Clarke's thematic analysis.

Results: After transcription, coding and phenomenological reduction of the discourses, two categories were obtained: 1. "Taking care of" and "Being with" in related to the isolation experience in the family environment, with the subcategories of reaction to the diagnosis and family contagion; and 2. "Being there" and distress when experiencing the disease by COVID-19, with the subcategories of life lessons and meaning of the pandemic.

Conclusions: Nurses with COVID-19 and isolated at home experienced lessons that made them revalue life, health and family love, which has strengthened their commitment to providing humanized care; personal strength and hope stand out as elements that allow them to face fear, despair and fear of death. The more any subject knows themselves, the greater their caring attitude, so that caring represents a nurse’s essential way of being.



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Author Biographies

Alicia Lourdes Merino Lozano, Universidad Nacional del Callao,

Enfermera docente, con maestría y doctorado en Enfermería

Olga Giovanna Valderrama Rios, Universidad Cesar Vallejo,

Docente universitaria, doctora en Enfermería

María Luz Mamani Macedo, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima,

Docente universitaria, con maestría y doctorado

Melita Elizabeth Vargas Pinedo, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola,

Enfermera docente, con maestría y estudios de doctorado en Educación.

Esther Ramírez García, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo,

Enfermera docente, con estudios de maestría y doctorado en Enfermería

Juana Matilde Cuba Sancho, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima,

Enfermera, especialista en Enfermería Pediatrica.

Especialista en Enfermería Gerencial

Maestria en Docencia en Enfermería

Estudios concluidos del doctorado en Enfermería

Docente Asociado de la Facultad de Medicina de la UNMSM.



How to Cite

Merino Lozano AL, Valderrama Rios OG, Mamani Macedo ML, Vargas Pinedo ME, Ramírez García E, Cuba Sancho JM. Living Experiences of Nurses with COVID-19 and Isolated in the Family Environment. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];40. Available from:



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