Dimensions of Quality of Occupational Life within Ecuadorian Nursing



quality of life, job satisfaction, occupational conditions, health institutions, Ecuador.


Introduction: The quality of occupational life has been little studied and its problematic is of great importance, due to its impact on the health and well-being of the personnel.

Objective: To evaluate nursing graduates’ quality of occupational life at health institutions in the Republic of Ecuador.

Methods: A quantitative study, with a descriptive and cross-sectional design, was carried out in the Republic of Ecuador during the year 2019. The sample consisted of 146 nursing graduates. For data collection, CVT-GOHISALO was applied, a questionnaire validated in the study population. The data were analyzed and processed in IBM-SPSS V26, using descriptive statistics.

Results: The overall perception of quality of occupational life was low in 77.40 % of the participants. The dimensions with low levels of satisfaction were institutional support (54.79 %), occupational safety (52.05 %), job integration (67.81 %), job satisfaction (82.88 %), well-being achieved through work (84.93 %) and personal development (76.71 %). In addition, the dimension that presented critical levels of dissatisfaction was free time management (89.04 %).

Conclusions: The nursing graduates’ quality of occupational life in Ecuador is unsatisfactory, highlighting the need to take action to address the factors contributing to dissatisfaction and improve the occupational environment, thus ensuring high quality care with a healthy and sustainable environment.



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Author Biographies

Stefanía Johanna Cedeño Tapia, Red Latinoamericana de Educación En Enfermería (Releden),

Licenciada en Enfermería (Ecuador). Magister en Gerenciamiento Integral de Servicios de Enfermería con mención en Recursos Humanos (Argentina). Maestra en Dirección Estratégica especializada en Organizaciones de Salud (México). Doctorando en Educación Superior (Argentina). Docente de grado y posgrado, escritora e investigadora científica. Cocreadora de la Campaña U-NursingLatAm. Fundadora de la Red Latinoamericana de Educación en Enfermería y coordinadora de la red de Investigación ReLEdEn (Registrada en la Senescyt Ecuador). Es parte del cuerpo de Revisores de varias revistas latinoamericanas de Educación y Salud. Co-Directora de la Revista Unidad Sanitaria XXI (Argentina). Comisionada de la CdA (Comisión de Acreditación de la calidad de la Educación Superior- El Salvador).

Silvia Irene Zegarra Lima, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa,

Doctoranda en Enfermería, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa,Perú. Maestra en ciencias: Administración y gestión en Salud. 

Jannette Marga Loza Sosa, Universidad Adventista de Bolivia,

Magister Scientiarum en Educación Superior y Docencia Universitaria, Docente investigadora de la Universidad Adventista de Bolivia, Red Latinoamérica de Educación Enfermería (ReLEdEn) 



How to Cite

Cedeño Tapia SJ, Zegarra Lima SI, Loza Sosa JM. Dimensions of Quality of Occupational Life within Ecuadorian Nursing. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];40. Available from: https://revenfermeria.sld.cu/index.php/enf/article/view/6164



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