Effectiveness of a Research Program Regarding the Selflearning of Nursing Students during the COVID-19


  • Jorge Luis Albarrán Gil Escuela de Posgrado Universidad César Vallejo, Lima Norte,
  • Walter Jorge Mendizabal Anticona Escuela de Posgrado Universidad César Vallejo, Lima Norte,
  • Teresa de Jesús Campana Añasco Escuela de Posgrado Universidad César Vallejo, Lima Norte,
  • Milagros Mirella De la Cruz Rojas Escuela de Posgrado Universidad César Vallejo, Lima Norte,
  • Marllury Ynés Melgarejo Alcántara Universidad Privada del Norte - Sede Los Olivos,
  • Jackeline Margot Saldaña Millán Universidad Tecnológica del Perú Chimbote,
  • Johnny Silvino Rojas Mori Escuela de Posgrado Universidad César Vallejo, Lima Norte,
  • Luz Emérita Cervera Cajo Escuela de Posgrado Universidad César Vallejo, Lima Norte,


Nursing students, selflearning as an issue, COVID-19.


Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was urgent to promote selflearning in undergraduate students from the first cycle of nursing training, in order for them to have, when working, the experience of achieving selflearning through some program with patients.

Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a introductory research program with respect to selflearning in nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: A quantitative, analytical and quasiexperimental study was carried out. A total of 140 university nursing students from Peru participated during 2022. The intervention consisted applying the introductory research program (independent variable) to selflearning (dependent variable), by means of a pretest and posttest adapted from Lopez-Aguado and validated with an Aiken’s V coefficient of 0.78 and Cronbach’s alpha reliability of 0.91. Hypothesis testing was done by mean difference.

Results: After the development of the introductory research program, selflearning was achieved at a regular level. The amount of qualitative ratings in the posttest was almost twice as high as their corresponding dimensions in the pretest. The difference in the mean ratings was significant for the affective (10.73), cognitive (9.47) and study planning (8.87) dimensions.

Conclusions: The introductory research program was effective in undergraduate nursing students of the first cycle of 2022 because, in 3 of 4 dimensions, significant mean differences were obtained; with the exception of the metacognitive dimension.



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How to Cite

Albarrán Gil JL, Mendizabal Anticona WJ, Campana Añasco T de J, De la Cruz Rojas MM, Melgarejo Alcántara MY, Saldaña Millán JM, et al. Effectiveness of a Research Program Regarding the Selflearning of Nursing Students during the COVID-19. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];39(1). Available from: https://revenfermeria.sld.cu/index.php/enf/article/view/6143



Original Investigation