Conception on Emergency Service from the Nursing Perspective
satisfaction, emergency care services, nursing, nursing care.Abstract
Introduction: Emergency services are settings where multiple professions converge. In this context, nursing professionals are coordinators amidst the complex situations that occur. Therefore, emergency services need to be conceived from the point of view of each professional individually, since particular professional visions become an element to be taken into account.
Objective: To systematize the conception on emergency services from a nursing perspective.
Methods: An integrative review was carried out aimed at a reflexive critical analysis of contents from documents published during 5 years, from 2015 to 2019, with a clear methodology and theoretical referents, selected during the months of October-December 2020. Keywords identified in DeCS, together with Boolean operators, were used: satisfacción [satisfaction] AND servicios de atención de urgencia [emergency care services] AND enfermeria [nursing] OR atención de enfermería [nursing care]. The search was performed in the databases Dialnet, Index, Medigraphic, Redalyc, PubMed. The flowchart Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses was used for contributing to the formulation of the search strategy.
Conclusions: The systematized conceptions about emergency service reveal that nursing is a protagonist in the processes taking place in this physical setting of human relations. Health services converge in such setting, decisive for the flow of subsequent actions aimed at caring for human health in complex conditions, and where therapeutic processes are developed based on multiprofessional relationships aimed at solving the health problems of the human being.
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