Experiences of Nurses Not Infected with COVID-19 Working during the Confinement



COVID-19, nurses, hospital units, transmission periods, quarentine.


Introduction: Nurses have lived through diverse experiences working on the front line during the COVID-19 pandemic; many acquired the infection and some died, but there are few studies with nurses who did not become infected with the virus.

Objective: To describe the experiences of nurses not infected with COVID-19 who worked in hospital units during confinement.

Methods: A descriptive qualitative research was carried out. The population consisted of 60 nurses who worked, during confinement, in COVID-19 hospital units in Lambayeque, Peru. The sample of 15 nurses was determined by the data saturation and redundancy technique. The information was collected by semistructured interview through digital media, with prior informed consent, from February to April 2021. The information was then processed with thematic content analysis.

Results: Three categories were obtained: a) fear of contagion, helplessness in the face of death and spirituality in the care for the COVID-19 patient, b) usage, adaptation and difficulties in implementing preventive protocols during the working day, and c) selfcare and preventive measures at home after the working day.

Conclusions: During the confinement, nurses experienced much fear of contagion and suffering in the face of excessive deaths, as well as the lack of equipment and materials. In addition, they did not likely become infected with COVID-19 because they applied personal protective equipment protocols and preventive measures at home, chose to eat healthy food, and were physically active.



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Author Biographies

Aggie Kahory Membrillo Hernandez, Universidad Católica “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo”, Chiclayo,

Licenciada en Enfermería

Rosa Jeuna Díaz Manchay, Universidad Católica “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo”, Chiclayo,

Soy enfermera de profesión, con maestría, doctorado y especialización en salud familiar y comunitaria. Actualmente me desempeño como Coordinadora de asuntos acádemicos de la Escuela de Enfermería-USAT y docente universitario. Tengo 12 años de experiencia en hacer docencia e investigación en pregrado y postgrado. Este trabajo me ha permitido profundizar en la investigación cualitativa, específicamente el método etnográfico y la teoría fundamentada. Mis líneas de investigación son: Cuidado, Familia, interculturalidad en salud, y Cáncer; de las cuales he publicado algunos libros y artículos para revistas indexadas.

Mirtha Flor Cervera Vallejos, Universidad Católica “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo”, Chiclayo,

Doctor en ciencias de enfermería. Especialista en nefrología. Docente de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo- Chiclayo, Perú.

Lisseth Rodríguez Cruz, Universidad Católica “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo”, Chiclayo,

Doctoranda en Ciencias de Enfermería de la Universidad de Navarra-España. Docente de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Chiclayo, Perú.

Mirtha Alvarado Tenorio, Universidad Católica “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo”, Chiclayo,

Magister en Gerencia de Servicios de Salud. Enfermera Asistencial del Hospital Regional Lambayeque. Docente de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo-Chiclayo, Perú.

Soledad Guerrero Quiroz, Universidad Católica “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo”, Chiclayo,

Doctor en ciencias de enfermería. Especialista en neonatología. Docente de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo- Chiclayo, Perú.



How to Cite

Membrillo Hernandez AK, Díaz Manchay RJ, Cervera Vallejos MF, Rodríguez Cruz L, Alvarado Tenorio M, Guerrero Quiroz S. Experiences of Nurses Not Infected with COVID-19 Working during the Confinement. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];39(1). Available from: https://revenfermeria.sld.cu/index.php/enf/article/view/5853



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