Academic Burnout and Self-Efficacy of Nursing Students in the Postpandemic Context



psychological burnout, self-efficacy, depersonalization, COVID-19, postpandemic, Nursing students.


Introduction: Academic burnout is considered a psychological condition characterized by low motivation and a greater sense of failure, a situation that would affect the individual wellfare of anybody who suffers from it.

Objective: To describe the relationship between academic burnout and self-efficacy in students from the professional Nursing major at a Peruvian public university in the postpandemic context.

Methods: A quantitative-approach, nonexperimental-design, descriptive-correlational and cross-sectional research was carried out. The population consisted of 345 students, while the sample consisted of 149 students, to whom the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey questionnaire and the General Self-Efficacy Scale were applied, as instruments with adequate levels of validity, based on content and reliability. The data were processed using SPSS version 25 software. Descriptive statistics were used for the analysis and Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient was used to describe the relationship between the variables.

Results: The level of academic burnout characterizing the students was found to be moderate, while the reported level of self-efficacy was medium. Also, the Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient between the two variables was determined to be-0.507, and the p-value was less than the significance level (p < 0.05).

Conclusions: Academic burnout is inversely and significantly related to self-efficacy of students from the professional Nursing major in the postpandemic context.



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Author Biographies

Edwin Gustavo Estrada Araoz, Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios, Facultad de Educación, Madre de Dios,

Doctor en Educación. Maestro en Administración de la Educación y en Psicología Educativa. Maestría en Políticas y Gestión de la Educación y Licenciado en Educación Primaria. Docente de pregrado en la Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios y ha sido reconocido como investigador RENACYT por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica – CONCYTEC, Perú.

Marilú Farfán Latorre, Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios, Facultad de Educación, Madre de Dios,

Doctora en Educación y docente asociada de pregrado en la Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios

Willian Gerardo Lavilla Condori, Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios, Facultad de Ingeniería, Madre de Dios,

Doctor en Educación y docente principal de pregrado en la Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios

Jimmy Nelson Paricahua Peralta, Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios, Facultad de Educación, Madre de Dios,

Doctor en Educación. Magíster en Administración de la Educación. Licenciado en Lengua y Lingüística. Docente investigador de la Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios, Perú.

Jhemy Quispe Aquise, Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios, Facultad de Educación, Madre de Dios,

Doctorando en Educación. Magíster en Administración de la Educación. Licenciado en Educación, especialidad Matemática y Computación. Docente en la Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios y la Universidad Andina del Cusco.



How to Cite

Estrada Araoz EG, Farfán Latorre M, Lavilla Condori WG, Paricahua Peralta JN, Quispe Aquise J. Academic Burnout and Self-Efficacy of Nursing Students in the Postpandemic Context. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];39(1). Available from:



Original Investigation