Hindering Conditions against Spiritual Care according to the Perception of the Palliative Care Health Team



spirituality, palliative care, medical oncology, elderlies, interdisciplinary health team.


Introduction: The population of elderlies dying as a result of cancer is steadily increasing worldwide. Palliative care implies a comprehensive approach including spiritual care. This is valued by the patient and caregivers, but is little addressed in clinical practice.

Objective: To establish the hindering conditions perceived by the health care team against providing spiritual care to elderlies under palliative care.

Methods: A qualitative study was carried out, with a phenomenological/interpretative approach, as well as an intrinsic case study design. Semistructured interviews and focus groups were conducted on a health team working at the palliative care unit of a health care center in Chile between 2019 and 2020. The analysis was performed with a grounded theory approach, which allowed to propose comprehensive schemes of the phenomenon under study with the support of the Atlas-ti 9.0 program.

Results: Two hindering conditions were categorized: one is related to the patient and their family, while the other is related to institutional structural and formative aspects. There is a perception of an ineffective coping with the disease on the part of the patient and their family, manifested by a denial of death and increased in those not worshipping. In addition, the scientific emphasis of training and the formative absence in spiritual care undermines workers’ motivation to become involved.

Conclusions: It is necessary to create strategies for the incorporation of spiritual care, from local practices that are translated into systemic ones; however, it is necessary to begin by reversing the formative absence, a reason why the practical knowledge emerging from experience is proposed to be rescued.



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Author Biography

Carmen Gloria Fraile Duvicq, Departamento de Ciencias de la Enfermería, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Concepción,

Licenciada en Enfermería Magister en Bioética



How to Cite

Fraile Duvicq CG, Nocetti de la Barra A, Álvarez Cruces DJ, Arenas Massa Ángela. Hindering Conditions against Spiritual Care according to the Perception of the Palliative Care Health Team. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];39(1). Available from: https://revenfermeria.sld.cu/index.php/enf/article/view/5827



Original Investigation