The Nursing Care Process for a Patient with COVID-19 in a Level-I Hospital



nursing care, elderly, COVID-19, nursing diagnosis, nursing process, nursing standardized terminology.


Introduction: COVID-19 infection, in many cases, leads to the development of severe respiratory failure, which has caused a high mortality rate worldwide; nursing care was vital for the recovery of patients.

Objective: To design a nursing care plan in a patient with respiratory failure due to COVID-19.

Methods: A clinical case is presented of an elderly aged 71 years, admitted to the COVID-19 inpatient area at a level-I hospital during the year 2021. The nursing process methodology was used in this case. The assessment was based on Marjory Gordon's functional patterns and the NANDA taxonomy to elaborate the nursing diagnoses, NOC taxonomy (results), NIC taxonomy (interventions).

Results: Four main diagnoses were identified: impaired gas exchange, ineffective protection, insomnia and death anxiety; an individualized care plan based on the results (NOC) was developed: Respiratory status: gas exchange, immune status, level of anxiety. Among the Nursing Interventions (NIC): Respiratory monitoring, protection against infections, anxiety reduction, which were implemented in the execution phase with satisfactory results that allowed improving the patient's health status and achieving discharge.

Conclusions: The use of the NANDA, NOC and NIC taxonomies, as well as the assessment based on Marjory Gordon's functional patterns, allowed the development of a care plan to improve the patient's health status and provide holistic nursing care.



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Author Biographies

Fatima Del Carmen Bernal Corrales, Universidad Sr de sipan,

Magister en Gerencia de Servicios de Salud.  Enfermera Coordinadora del Hospital I “Agustín Arbulú Neyra” Essalud- Ferreñafe. Enfermera Docente a tiempo parcial Universidad “Señor de Sipán” Pimentel, Perú.

Daylin Linet Flores Guevara, Universidad sr de Sipan,

Estudiante de enfermeria

Keyda Araceli Flores Tenorio, Universidad sr de Sipan,

EStudiante de enfermeria



How to Cite

Bernal Corrales FDC, Flores Guevara DL, Flores Tenorio KA. The Nursing Care Process for a Patient with COVID-19 in a Level-I Hospital. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2023 May 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];39(1). Available from:



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