Knowledge and Perception of Users about the Right to Health and Contributions to the Improvement of Global Policies
primary health care, right to health, public health.Abstract
Introduction: The right to public health is not limited to being cared for in a hospital or primary care unit. As a fundamental right, the right to health also implies a broad guarantee of quality of life, associated with other basic rights.
Objective: To analyze the production of knowledge focused on the perception of public health users regarding the right to health and its contributions to the improvement of global policies.
Methods: An integrative, critical and retrospective review was carried out. The employed search strategy was the use of the keywords atención primaria de salud [primary health care], derecho a la salud [right to health], usuarios de salud pública [public health users]. The search was conducted in the databases of LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF, IBECS, IRIS PAHO, Coleciona SUS and the RHS Repository, BVS Regional and SciELO, in the month of May 2021. The inclusion criteria considered articles published between 2016 to 2021 in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with pertinence to the topic and with the adopted descriptors. The exclusion criteria ruled out review, theoretical or reflection articles or without pertinence to the topic. Eight articles were analyzed.
Conclusions: The poorly expressive outcomes of the research and the relevance of the topic evidenced the need to deepen on the perception of primary care users regarding the right to health, in order to contribute to the improvement of the care provided by health professionals and the construction of effective public and global policies in practice, and not only in the very description of the law.
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