Work climate in neonatology services in Level III Hospitals in times of COVID-19



Coronavirus infections, Working environment, Work commitment, Communication, Working conditions


Introduction: One of the effects of COVID-19 has been reflected in the characteristics and links that determine the attitudes and behavior of healthcare and support staff.

Objective: To compare the dimensions that determine the work environment in the neonatology services of two level III hospitals during COVID-19.

Methods: The research used the hypothetical deductive method from a quantitative approach, descriptive comparative type of cross-sectional design. The Population was sampled in its entirety; 70 healthcare professionals and 21 health support professionals in the Neonatology services: 63 from the Víctor Lazarte Echegaray Hospital and 28 from the Virgen de la Puerta-EsSalud Hospital, 2020. The SCL-SPC Work Environment Scale, 2004 was applied. A model was considered multiple logistic regression and the Mann-Whitney U test.

Results: the work environment in the two hospitals was perceived as Fair; with 80.95% in the “Víctor Lazarte Echegaray hospital and 75.00% in the “Virgen de la Puerta ”. No significant differences were found in the work environment between both establishments. The dimensions of the work environment were perceived at a Regular level in both hospitals; Personal fulfillment and work involvement (55.56% and 82.14%), Supervision of the work environment (65.08% and 82.14%), Communication (60.32% and 46.43%), Conditions Labor (65.08% and 64.29%).

Conclusions: The dimensions that describe the work environment in the neonatology services of two hospitals were; personal fulfillment and communication. Significant differences were found in relation to work involvement, communication and working conditions.


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Author Biography

Miryam Griselda Lora Loza, Escuela de Posgrado de la Universidad César Vallejo. Trujillo,

Obstetra, Docente investigadora de la Universidad César Vallejo, con categoría principal, investigadora, responsable de la Maestría en Gestión de los Servicios de Salud, y Responsabilidad Social Universitaria de la Escuela de posgrado de la UCV.  Docente invitada de la Escuela de posgrado de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.  Egresada de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos–Lima (1990), con Doctorado en Planificación y Gestión de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (2009), Doctorado en Educación en la Universidad César Vallejo de Trujillo (2008), Magíster Enfermería con mención en Salud de la Mujer y el Niño por la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (1998). Magíster en Docencia Universitaria por la Universidad Particular Cesar Vallejo (2003), con especialidad en Emergencias Obstétricas.



How to Cite

Montoya Guevara RJ, Lora Loza MG, Mucha Hospinal LF, Quiroz Chacón J, Rocha Alvarado CA. Work climate in neonatology services in Level III Hospitals in times of COVID-19. Rev. cuba. enferm. [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];37(1). Available from:



Original Investigation